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201. stick around (hang around) 在附近逗留或等待
定义:stay nearby, not leave在附近逗留;没有离开
● If she is in such a bad mood, maybe we shouldn't stick around anymore.如果她心情这么糟,也许我们不该再在附近逗留。
● John's father told him to stick around and they would go fishing.
● I think I'll stick around. 我想我会留下来。
● He asked me to stick around. 他叫我留下来。
● I'm afraid that I can't stick around. 我担心我无法留下来。
● I wish she would stick around. 我希望她能留下来。
● Why don't you stick around? 你为什么不留下来呢?
● Do they plan to stick around? 他们计划要留下来吗?
● If she can do a better job than I do on the English homework, I`ll stick around.
● Don`t let anybody intimidate you into sticking around, if you`re uncomfortable there.

202. carry out/执行;进行
v. phr. to perform; to conduct执行;进行
The crime was carried out by a young couple.这个罪行是由一对年轻夫妇所犯。
carry out a plan 执行计划
carry out a promise履行诺言
carry out experiments做实验
carry out an order执行命令

203. Give someone a lift/让(某人)搭便车
定义:give someone a ride让某人乘坐(汽车等)
例句:It was nice of him to give us a lift to the office this morning.他真好,今天早上他让我们搭便车到公司。
Give me a lift! = Give me a ride!送我一程吧
204. leave behind“留下”,
When you go camping, please do not leave behind any trash.


205.On Pins And Needles/如坐针毡
Definition: to be very nervous about something happening
在中文我们说很急切、很紧张地想知道某事进行的情况,会用“如坐针毡”,而英文则说“如坐针钉”:Be on pins and needles.当你很紧张地等待某件事情的结果时,你可能就会on pins and needles,

如:We’re on pins and needles waiting to hear whether she got the job.或者,当你担心可能会有坏事发生时,你也可能很紧张,胆战心惊,不知如何是好,
A: Hi, how are you doing at work?  嗨,工作怎么样?
B. There had been a rumor that someone was going to get fired, but we didn't know whom it would be; so the whole office was on pins and needles all day.据说公司有人要被开掉,可我们又不知道是谁,所以办公室的人成天都坐立不安的。

e.g. Dad lost his way today and it has him in such a bad mood that our whole family is on pins and needles.

其实,还有一个惯用语叫做have pins and needles,
(If someone has pins and needles in a part of their body they feel slight sharp pains in it, usually just after they have moved from being still in one position for a long time).它和紧张没什么关系,指的是因缺乏血循环,使身体某位部麻木而造成的不适感,也就是我们平常说的“发麻”,比如说I’ve been sitting on my leg for the last hour and now I’ve got pins and needles in my foot.

206. Put one up/允许(某人)逗留在(某人)家中
定义:allow one to stay at one's hous允许(某人)逗留在(某人)家中
If we can't find a place to stay, my friend said he would put us up for a few nights.如果我们找不到地方投宿,我的朋友说他可以让我们留宿几个晚上。

207.face up to/(勇敢地)接受,(大胆地)面对(责任等)
accept or confront something, especially responsibilility, danger or an unpleasant fact(勇敢地)接受,(大胆地)面对(责任,危险等,不愉快的事实等);

He faced up to the fact that he would never walk again with remarkable bravery.他非常勇敢地接受了他再也不能走路的现实。

The boy knew he should tell his neighbor that he broke the window, but he just couldn't face up to it..

208. Give notice/通知;预告
定义:announce, inform告知;通知
例句:The company gave me notice that I've been fired.公司通知我,我被解雇了。
have notice of 接到通知
take notice of注意,留心
without notice没注意到
post [put up] a notice 张贴通知
give a week's notice (解僱時)在一星期前通知
at short notice 在短時間內,頃刻之間
at a moment's notice 立即,馬上,隨時
at [on] ten days' [a month's] notice提前十天[一個月]通知
give notice of... 通知…
give notice to 報告
under notice 接到解僱通知
without notice 擅自
absence without notice 擅自缺席
without previous notice 不預先通知.
I wasn't noticing. 我沒留神.

209. Have in mind/欲;计划
定义:intend, plan, select意图;计划;检选
例句:If you don't have anything else in mind for this afternoon, would you like to come shopping with me?
bear/keep in mind 记住 have in mind 考虑到,想到

210. Come up with/提供;赶上
定义:present, announce, offer提供;发表;提出
Come up with something 就是说突然想到一个主意或是其它事情, 光用 come 表达不出那种跑出一个想法的意念, 所以要用 come up. 常见的有 come up with a solution, 或是 come up with a new idea
My assistants have come up with a very good plan.我的助手提供了一个非常好的计划。
I came up with a good idea to that question. 对于那个问题我有一个好主意.
We haven't come to a conclusion yet. 我们还没有得到结论.
How do you come up with all these half-baked ideas? You should think them out more carefully.
He said some really off –the-wall things. Where does he come up with them?
2004-11-26 08:47:48   此文章已经被查看227次   
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