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261.Keep your big mouth shut. = Stop talking. 住嘴。

262. Big-time 一流的;有錢的;成功的
Big-time通常作形容词用,修饰名词。一般可译为“知名的“、 “重要的“、“一流的“或“举足轾重的“等等。
1.My brother practices boxing in the gym every dayi he wants to become a big-time boxer.
2.Just because Tom has a new football uniform he thinks, he is a big-time operator.
3. I.m particularly interested in the articles on and by lu Hsun, because he i a big-time writer for New CHINA.
4.He is a big-time businessman.他是商界要人。
5. He is a big-time operator. 他这人很吃得开。

263.Big time 和 Big-time 表示的意思完全不一样。

Big time 通常作名词用,可加定冠词或不定冠词,并表示两层含义(见译文)。

1.Last night we had a big time at the club.
2.Many young actors go to Hollyword, But few of them reach the big time.
3.After graduation from university, he soon made the big time in his scientific research.

264. on second thoughts 再三考虑
注: second thoughts与汉语成语中的"三思而行"中的"三思"极为相似。
1. Your second thoughts are very often wiser than your first ideas.
2.But on second thoughts I made up my mind to travel without any food with me.
3.On second thoughts I decided to stay on. 再三考虑之后我决定待下去。

265. Brush off 应付,敷衍
She really gave him the brush off, I doubt whether she'll ever talk to him again.
Don't brush me off. 不要敷衍我。

266. He is trying to cash in on me.= He is trying to take advantage from me.

267. chicken out畏缩
Don't chicken out. Be a man. = Don't back out 不要退缩了。

268. Cup of tea 喜好
cup of tea是个英语常用口语之一,意思是"喜爱的东西;投合脾性的事情;适合胃口的东西;合意的人"。
这一词组产生于第一次和第二次世界大战期间。在英国维多利亚时代,饮茶还没有在各个阶层,特别是在男人(men)中广为普及。那时,表示合某人胃口的比喻说法多半是源于食物(food)或饮料(drink),比如可能是"sb.'s pot of beer(某人想喝的那罐啤酒)。后来办公室(office)女性雇员不断增加,她们把下午茶(afternoon tea)带到办公室,男职员也逐渐加入到喝下午茶的行列。于是茶被认为是一种大众饮料。不过,个人品茶的口味却不尽相同:有人喜欢中国茶(Chinese tea),有人喜欢印度茶(Indian tea);有人喜欢淡茶,有人则偏爱浓茶;有人愿意在茶中加奶(milk),有人却不愿意;有人爱加糖(sugar),有人却不爱加糖;还有人愿意加柠檬。这种口味各异就引出了"cup of tea"这一表达法,延伸开来就泛指合口味的事情。
1.Travelling is just his cup of tea.旅行正是他所喜爱的。
2.Football is not his cup of tea.足球可不是他的爱好。
3.Going to loud, boisterous parties just isn’t my cup of tea.
4.It's my cup of tea.=It's my favorite. 这很合我胃口。
5.She wouldn‘t have been my cup of tea. 她不是我的意中人。

269. Cut it out! 别闹了!
Cut it out! = stop it! = Don't be like that. 不要这个样子啦!

M: If someone is doing something that annoys you, and you really want them to stop, you can use this phrase. For instance, I was busy playing that game when you tried to grab the controller from me. I wanted you to stop trying to grab it, so I said "cut it out".
L: 噢,所以,谁要是做的事让你很讨厌,你要他别这么做,这个时候你就可以说这句话。就象刚才我要抢你的遥控器时,你就说cut it out, 就是让我别抢。看来,这个cut it out还挺有用的。
A: Hey, look at me! I am a monkey! A: 嘿,你看我!我是只猴子!
B: Oh, cut it out! B: 哦,别闹了。

A: Ha! Isn't this funny? A: 哈!好不好笑啊?
B: No, it isn't. Cut it out! B: 不,一点都不好笑。别闹了!

270. He double-crossed me.= He betrayed me. 他出卖了我。
The dirty cop double-crossed his partner and put him in danger.
(这个坏警察出卖他的搭档, 并且使他陷于危险之中.)
2004-12-03 12:52:38   此文章已经被查看68次   
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