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291.have a heart
人们一般认为,我们喜、怒、哀、乐各种感情的源泉是出自于心,因此“心”这个字出现在美国不少的成语和俗语中也就不足为奇了。在大多数情况下,人心显示出来的是人类感情善良的一面,例如慷慨。要是有一个人对你说: "Aw, come on -- have a heart!"

To have a heart 要是从字面上来解释那就会毫无意义了,因为每个人生下来都是有一颗心的。To have a heart 是一个俗语,它的意思就是要求别人对说话的人表示同情,或者是要求别人帮助他。

下面我们要举的例子是一个十六岁的男孩在请求他的爸爸让他用家里的新汽车。根据美国法律,一个孩子到了十六岁就可以通过考试拿到驾驶执照,也就是说可以开汽车了。 在美国,凡是一个家庭里有这种年龄的孩子的话,那你就会经常听到这样的请求。这个男孩对他爸爸说:

例句-1: "Hey, Dad, have a heart and let me use the new car; I have this big date with Jennie tonight."



例句-2: "Charlie, I know I've owed you the hundred bucks for a long time. But, have a heart: give me a little more time because I really don't have it right now."


292. get lost 滚开

Hey go get lost, I don't want to see you anymore.

He told me to get lost.= he told me go away. 他叫我走开。

293. It's all Greek to me.= I don't understand. 我全不懂。

It's all Greek to me."是"我全然不懂"的意思,因为英国人一直将希腊文视为一种深奥难懂的文字,此时你若直译为"这对我全都是希腊文",读者就不知所云了。

294. hard up 拮据
Hard up 即short of cash 或poor,意為缺錢,或貧窮,原為英國早期的用法,現今卻在美國流行.
I'm hard up.= I don't have money. 我经济很困难。

Could you please lend me some money﹖I'm a little hard up this week.
It was no disgrace to be hard up in those times.

In those days we were so hard up that meat was a real luxury.

順便說一下,hrd up後可跟介詞for,而hard up for something 即 suffer from a lack of something,意為因缺少某物而遭遇困難,把「缺乏」和「受苦」兩層意思合埋一起了。而且,所缺少的並不限於金錢,例如﹕
He wants me to clean the kitchen, and I am hard up for an excuse to get out of it.

Please help me write this paper. I am hard up for some good idea.
請幫我寫這篇報告,我缺乏好的思路, 寫不下去了。

Business is OK, but we are a bit hard up for ready cash.

295. have a hard time(日子)艰难,很难(做某事)

在英文口语中有二个蛮好用的句型表示出 "无法, 有困难" 一个是 Has problem doing something, 另一个是 Has a hard time doing something. 比如说有人提议要去看 Star War 这部电影的首映, 你就可以劝阻他,
I think we will have a hard time getting tickets.

又比方說你朋友作錯事, 但他卻一直不承認他自己有錯. 那這時你就可以說, Why do you have such a hard time admitting it? 你要承認錯誤有那麼困難嗎?

Every time I meet this guy he gives me such a hard time, who needs it?

Don't give me a hard time.

He's having a hard time. =He's in trouble. 他的处境不好

I have a hard time with my girlfriend.

Have a hard time with sb. 就是說和某個人的關係處的特別不好. 特別是形容情侶或是夫妻之間. 如果你聽美國的廣播節目, 就常有人 call in 進來說 I have a hard time with my girlfriend. 通常如果那天特別適合吵架的話, 一天之內就可以聽到好幾次.

296. Watch your mouth. 说话当心一点。(表示对方说了不该说的话,或是说话的态度不好) 嘴巴放干净点。这句话用于对方出言不逊之时

Watch your mouth! That language is terrible!

Watch your mouth,buddy.It's not the end of the world.There are always 2 sides to everything.Try to look on the birght side.

297. Get yourself together! 振作点行不行!

298. Make a hit/受欢迎/出风头(show off)
定义:become very popular  变得非常流行,受欢迎。这一短语来表达成功、受到欢迎或称赞等,例如:  

Playing golf really has made a hit with my parents and their friends.   
打高尔夫球确已很为我的父母和他们的朋友所喜爱。 ……

Although he wants to make a hit, I think he hasn’t got much to show off.

The company’s new products made a great hit in the spring fair.
Her new designer dress made a hit at the party.

It benefits us quite a lot.=It's a hit.= It's very popular.这件事很受人欢迎。

299. in hot water 有麻烦

In hot water 的意思并不是“在热水中”。它的确切意思是指某人或某些人遇到非常麻烦的问题了。

Joe is really in hot water now ---- his girl friend just found out he's seeing another woman.

That movie actor tried to cheat on his income tax, but he got caught and now he's in hot water with the government.

He is in hot water with his girlfriend recently.

He's in hot water. = He is in deep trouble. 他在水深火热中。

300. break the ice "打破沉默;打破冷场;打破僵局"。也指"首开记录;首先得分"。  
Jack broke the ice during the conversation by telling jokes sometimes.
To break the ice, Sara asked a question and soon everyone joined in the discussion.

So,you finally broke the ice. =So,you finally broke through.
2004-12-08 13:36:34   此文章已经被查看104次   
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