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341. let someone off放某人一马
let someone off是指「放某人一马」,也就是let someone off the hook,就如同你在钓鱼,鱼儿上了「钩」hook,而你把它放掉let it off the hook「放它一马」。

342. I think you're thinking of somone else. 我觉得你是想到别人去了
I think you're thinking of someone else.「我觉得你是想到别人去了」。

343. Spare no effort to + V(不遗余力的)
spare的意思是「省却,省下」,effort是「努力」,spare no effort就是指「不惜血本,不计代价」,也就是你下定决心,就算用尽一切资源,也要达成某一个目标。
We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.

I'll spare no effort to help you for auld lang syne.

344. Put him through.
这是一句相当标准的电话用语,「把他转接给我。」在日常生活中,尤其是办公室,同事间可能常会接到找你的电话,这时候你就可以说Put him / her through.请他们「把电话转接给你」;若你是帮同事接电话的那个人,你就可以跟对方说I'll put you through.「我帮你转过去」。

A:Hello.I'd like the extension 4130,please.
C:Sorry.the number is busy now.Will you please hold the line?
A:No,I'll try agian later.
(A few minutes later)
A:Hello,operator.Extension 4130.Would you put me through a-gain,please?
C:OK,the line is free.Just a moment.(Pause)Well,it's ringing,go ahead,please.

I'll put you through to Miss Li.

'll transfer you. / I'll put you through.

345. Go ahead请讲
Go ahead, please.

The other party is on the line now, you may go ahead, please.

346. No hard feelings.
No hard feelings.这句常用短语的意思是「请别见怪,不伤和气。」当你不小心在太岁头上动了土,或是对方把你的玩笑当真而动了肝火,便要赶紧祭出No hard feelings.这句话,好缓和缓和气氛。

安慰人家不要太难过, 则可以用 no hard feelings.
例如我同学考试没考好, 我就可以安慰他.
No hard feelings, I believe you are gonna ace it next time.

hard feelings 怨气
A: Man, I'm really sorry about what happened last night.
A: 老兄啊! 昨晚的事真是抱歉...
B: It's all right. It's over with. No hard feelings.
B: 没关系。已经过去了。没什么好生气了。

"It's over with" 是「已经过去了」。结束某种不愉快的情绪, 可以用 「get over」。 如 "I know you were mad at him for what he had done. But, it has been five years. Get over it." 我知道你很气他所作的事, 但是这已经是五年前的事了, 你应该释怀了。

347. We split it, fifty-fifty. 我们五五分
split是指「分割,分配」,而「分担花费」在美语中也是用split这个字,如split the bill「分摊账单」。而这里的fifty-fifty,是「五五分帐」的意思,比如要表示 「四六分帐」,便可说forty-sixty。所以下次要讨论付款比例时,这句型就可以拿出 来运用。
Shall we split the check. 大家分摊吧?

348. wait up等门
定义:delay going to bed熬夜等候
wait up是指「醒着等」,也就是「等门」的意思。wait up是父母对儿女,夫妻对另外一半,所最常会做的事情。不过他们的出发点都是为你好,才会担心你,所以下次若你会晚回家,记得跟父母或是老公老婆说一句,Don't wait up.「别等门了。」好让他们别苦守着那暗夜的一盏孤灯。wait up for/sit up for为了等待某人回来而不睡觉

I'll wait up for you tonight.今天晚上我不睡觉也要等你。

I may be late,but please don't wait up for me

349.take good care of yourself好好保重自己
Tom, take good care of yourself. Tom好好保重自己
I will. Don’t worry.我会的,不要担心。

350.That’s more like it.对,那还差不多。这才像话嘛!
- Okey, let’s split it fifty, how about it?
- Yeah, that’s more like it.

- I gave the bigger piece of cake to my sister.
- Be good, That’s more like it??
2004-12-15 15:52:58   此文章已经被查看71次   
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