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I Have to Go


I have to go, my darling. Spring arrives. Life in nature

blooms but breath of love dies.

I take a deep inhale, depressed at the freshness.

I have to go.

Darling, too many walls have been built between us.

Your heart is up where I cannot find.

I look into your eyes and see nothing inside.

Your smile is no longer here to shine.

When clouds abruptly darken the sky, when turns suddenly

occupy the road, I have to go.

Darling, my shelter shatters. Sunshine glitters on the sea.

Light stings my eyes.

Uttering a cry, the sea gull flaps its wings.

My island sways in the wind.

The waves run onto the rocks, crash, boom, bang.

When hope turns into foam, I have to go.

Darling, night no longer lights fire.

Access to your voice has expired.

I glare at my phone, catching no trace of your name.

As stars twinkle, magic slides from my hands.

It falls to the ground like china ?X?X?Xcrash, boom, bang.

When the pieces could no longer make a whole, I have to go.
2005-03-22 00:29:49   此文章已经被查看59次   
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