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hi,everyone!my name is cherry,nice to meet you here.this is a short joke,have you heard?
Don’t imitate stiff
One of my friends told me a joke in chinese ,now I’d like to translate the joke from chinese into English. I hope it’ll bring everyone laughter.
A teacher who called peter, gave class in a school. He was annoyed by the students never paying attention to him. He visited his friend john for advise. john is a famous priest because of his attractive speeches in church. “believe me, it isn’t easy,” john said, “but I always do it very well. Because I usually prepared a good prologue for speech.” Peter begged : “how did you make a good prologue, tell me ,please.” John smiled: “relax, relax, my friend. as easy as ABC. For example, one day I was in difficult situation, I spoke to audiences, everyone ,I had spent the best time in a woman’s arm, but the woman is my mother. ” “oh,john,you really made a wonderful prologue!” peter praised. “Remember, you should entertain your students with good prologue. It’s very important.” john stressed.
The next day, when peter gave a class, he spoke loudly “everyone, I had spent the best time in a woman’s arm,” the noise gone, the students looked at him with surprise. “it’s working, it’s working!” peter thought, the gladness filled in his heart. Unfortunately, Peter must be too nervous that he forgot the continuing words, “but---but--- ,” peter stammered, “I forgot who was the woman.”

2002-09-11 23:20:27   此文章已经被查看350次   
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