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It is viewed both a fashion and an obnoxious behavior for a Chinese person to speak English in China.

Once I slipped a few English words when I was relating to an England returnee even though I had warned myself against such harmless misbehaviors. It actually was a bad habit at most instead of a display of my linguistic flair, the returnee despised: “ Hey what’s the problem with you? You are talking English to me? I just don’t believe that you speak better English than I do. ” I instantly offered my apology explaining that I did not mean it, and, my English was certainly not as good as him but just Okay.

The complex feeling that Chinese people feel about English is an intricate thing, ironically most Chinese dream to talk English as fluently as Li Yang, the crazy English Godfather, but meanwhile, many of them also feel repulsive to see Chinese talking that language. There are two phrases that highlight the abhorrence, speaking a foreign tongue is a “foreign fart”, which stinks, and the person who does that is someone who “worships foreign things and is obsequious to foreigners”. There has been more that one occasions that I heard someone claimed that they hate Chinese-speaking English, ironically they may speak that language sometimes. What on earth makes a language so emotionally offensive?

Meanwhile, Chinese people showed amazing acceptance and lenience to foreigners who speak their language. The Canadian wonder boy known as Dashan in China has achieved phenomenal success on China stage and TV screen. Almost all westerners living in China would agree that their poor Chinese won them unexpected fondness. Now even westerners in Beijing start to talk with each other in Chinese, I never heard any Chinese criticized them for a “Chinese fart” or “worship China things, obsequious to Chinese”.

Then why there is such a dual standard?

(此文由marconi在2005-07-12 21:53:32编辑过)


Marconi :)
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