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Some opinins about South Africa and Australia
South Africa and Australia are two countries I have been to this year. For most of people here I guess you will think Australia is more worthly to visit then South Africa. If so I will tell you wrong thinking you have. They all cleaning, mordern, beautiful and well-built streets in the cities. But you will have two deferences feeling after your visiting to them. Simple speaking, excited and shake and incredible you will feel in visiting South Africa. But you will feel calm and enjoyable and relax in visiting Australia. For example we visited Cape Town University in South Africa(list within 50th in the world), you can enjoy wild animal of the oppisite. Wild and mordern, nature and man-made let you cant breath that time. In Australia I feel so relax and enjoyable. The similar in two countries are patient and cleaning and well- behavour the people show in two countries.
Please dont hesitate to visit them and compare them.


Happies is more important then every other thing
2002-11-11 17:42:36   此文章已经被查看102次   
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