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There is only one kind of failure that really breaks the spirit, and that is failure in the art of life itself. That is the failure that one does well to fear.

What is it like, this failure in the art of life? It is the failure which manifests itself in a loss of interest in really important things. It does not come suddenly, there is nothing dramatic about it, and thus it works with a dreadful advantage; it creeps upon us, and once it has us in its grip, it is hard for us to recognize what ails us.

It is not for nothing that this failure was reckoned by medieval theologians as one of the Seven Deadly Sins. I suppose you know what they were. Wrath, gluttony, Envy, Avarice, and Lechery are not very hard to recognize and are perilously easy to justify, by one means or another. Pride is an extremely subtle sin because it is so clever at disguising itself as something else, and those astute men St. Ambrose and St. Augustine thought it the most dangerous of all the sins. But it is the seventh which I think is particularly prevalent on our day; medieval theologians called it Sloth.

Sloth is not really a suitable name for it now, because the word has come to mean a sluggishness and inactivity which is chiefly physical. But the sloth the theologians meant, the sloth which can damn you in this world and perhaps in the next, is spiritual. There was a better name, a Latin name, for it; it was also called Accidie, and it meant intellectual and spiritual torpor, indifference, and lethargy.

To be guilty of Acedia it is not necessary to be physically sluggish at all. You can be as busy as a bee. You can fill your days with activity, bustling from meeting to meeting, sitting on committees, running from one party to another in a perfect whirlwind of movement. But if, meanwhile, your feelings and sensibilities are becoming more and more superficial, if you are losing touch even with yourself, it is Acedia which has claimed you for its own.
2006-03-21 20:49:35   此文章已经被查看144次   
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