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1. = a sentence opener used to break a silence in a conversation or aggressively start a new topic. (Words such as this often use intonation to convey the connotation of the sentence that is to follow. The brief intonation pattern accompanying the word may indicate sarcasm, disagreement, caution, consolation, sternness, etc.)


ANDREW: So, I'm new around here. Where's the fun?
BOB: You must be new. There's never been any fun around here.

"So, how are you?" asked Kate.

ANDREW: So, when do we eat?
RACHEL: Don't you have any manners?

BOB: So, what you been doing?
BILL: Not much.

ANDREW: So, been keeping busy?
BOB: No, I been taking it easy.

2. = a defensive sentence opener that takes an offensive tone.


FRED: So I made a mistake. So what?
JOHN: It caused us all a lot of trouble. That's what.

ALICE: So I'm not perfect! What does that prove?
ANDREW: Nothing, I guess.
2003-02-17 06:27:41   此文章已经被查看35次   
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  • so-Howie (944字节 阅读:35次 跟贴:0 2003/02/17 06:27)

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