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= a word used to catch someone's attention and announce that a sentence - probably a question - follows. (Words such as this often use intonation to convey the connotation of the sentence that is to follow. The brief intonation pattern accompanying the word may indicate sarcasm, disagreement, caution, consolation, sternness, etc.)


BOB: Say, don't I know you from somewhere?
RACHEL: I hope not.

"Say, why don't you stay on your side?" screamed Tom at the other boys.

ANDREW: Say, where did I see that can opener?
RACHEL: You saw it where you left it after you last used it.
2003-02-23 07:09:57   此文章已经被查看89次   
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  • say-Howie (601字节 阅读:89次 跟贴:0 2003/02/23 07:09)

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