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Bryan Adams - How Do You Feel Tonight

is there anybody out there?
anyone that's loved in vain
anyone that feels the same

is there anybody waiting?
waiting for a chance to win
give it up and start again

we all need something new
something that is true
and someone else to feel it too

i feel so high - no one else would know it
i don't know why i feel the way i do
i can' t let go - and i'm not scared to show it
cuz being here feels right
tell me - how do ya feel tonight?

is there anybody out there?
anyone that can't explain
anyone that feels no pain

is there anybody dreaming
dreaming of better day
when everything goes your way

we all need something new
something that is true
and someone else to feel it too
someone just like you

2003-02-23 20:31:07   此文章已经被查看76次   
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