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Telephone English
RUPERT: Rupert Andrews.

ISABELLE: This is Isabelle Rollette; I'm returning your call.

RUPERT: Isabelle, thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

I was calling because Mr. Valence asked me to get in touch with you.

ISABELLE: Yes, I got your message.

RUPERT: I wanted to talk to you about setting up a meeting either later today or first thing tomorrow.

ISABELLE: Tomorrow would be better for me.

RUPERT: Fine. As you probably know, Global Solutions is a consulting firm.

The Board of Belle Vie believes that there are ways to improve the company's performance, so Bernard Valence has brought us in to see what we can do to help.

I'd like to get together with you to look over your financial statements and have you fill me in on the details.

ISABELLE: Of course. I think that's a good idea.

RUPERT: We would like to understand which products are contributing to the bottom line and which are not.

ISABELLE: I can provide you with information about each product line on our income statement.

Is there anything else?

RUPERT: Yes. I'd like to talk about your plans for financing your expansion into men's fragrances.

It would be helpful if we could look at your balance sheet together.

ISABELLE: Let me get the information together.

I'll call you back later this afternoon to set up a time for our meeting.

RUPERT: That'll be fine.

ISABELLE: OK, then, talk to you soon.


RUPERT: Rupert Andrews。

ISABELLE: 我是 Isabelle Rollett,给您回电话。

RUPERT: Isabelle,谢谢您这么快给我回电话。

我给您打电话是因为 Valence 先生让我与您联系。

ISABELLE: 是的,我听了您的留言。

RUPERT: 我想和您谈一谈关于在今天晚些时候或明天一早安排一次会议的事情。

ISABELLE: 明天对我来说比较好。

RUPERT: 好的。可能您已知道,Global Solutions 是一家顾问公司。

Belle Vie 的董事会认为有办法改进公司的业绩,因此 Bernard Valence 介绍我们来看一看能帮点什么忙。


ISABELLE: 当然。我认为这是个好主意。

RUPERT: 我们想了解一下哪些产品正在对公司的收益起作用,而哪种产品则没有。

ISABELLE: 我将在收入报告中把每个产品种类的信息提供给您。


RUPERT: 是的。我想谈一谈您将投资拓展到男用香水产品的计划。


ISABELLE: 让我把这些信息收集起来。



ISABELLE: 好的,那么回头再谈。
2006-04-24 22:38:19   此文章已经被查看263次   
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