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would rather(not); prefer (not) to
Activity 7: Communication Practice

Would you rather pay now or later?

Correct Answers:
I would rather pay later.
I'd rather pay later.
I would prefer to pay later.
I'd prefer to pay later.
I would prefer paying later.
I 'd prefer paying later.

Explanation: The forms above can all be used to show a preference for something. Would rather ('d rather) is followed by the base form pay. Would prefer ('d prefer) is followed by the forms to pay or paying.

2 RECORDED. Click to hear your recorded response.

What would you like to do this evening? The opera "La Boheme" is playing at the opera house, and there's a soccer tournament at the stadium.

Correct Answers:
We would rather go to the opera.
We'd rather go to the opera.
We would prefer to go to the opera.
We'd prefer to go to the opera.
We would prefer going to the opera.
We'd prefer going to the opera.

Explanation: The forms above can all be used to show a preference for something. Would rather ('d rather) is followed by the base form go. Would prefer ('d prefer) is followed by the forms to go or going.

3 RECORDED. Click to hear your recorded response.

I still have a few tickets available. Would you prefer orchestra or balcony seats?

Correct Answers:
We would rather sit in the orchestra section.
We'd rather sit in the orchestra section.
We would prefer to sit in the orchestra section.
We'd prefer to sit in the orchestra section.
We would prefer sitting in the orchestra section.
We'd prefer sitting in the orchestra section.

Explanation: The forms above can all be used to show a preference for something. Would rather ('d rather) is followed by the base form sit. Would prefer ('d prefer) is followed by the forms to sit or sitting.

4 RECORDED. Click to hear your recorded response.

The opera house is located about 10 blocks from here. Would you prefer to walk?

Correct Answers:
No, I would rather not walk.
No, I'd rather not walk.
No, I would prefer not to walk.
No, I'd prefer not to walk.
No, I would prefer not walking.
No, I 'd prefer not walking.

Explanation: Would rather ('d rather) not and would prefer ('d prefer) not are correct ways to give a negative answer to a question about preference. Would rather not is followed by the base form walk. Would prefer not can be followed by the forms to walk and walking.

5 RECORDED. Click to hear your recorded response.

I'll call a taxi. And how about tomorrow morning? Would you like to receive a wake-up call?

Correct Answer:
Yes, we would.

Explanation: Yes, we would is the correct affirmative short answer to a question about preference or wishes.

6 RECORDED. Click to hear your recorded response.

At what time would you prefer a call, 6:30 or 7:00?

Correct Answers:
We would rather get up at 6:30.
We'd rather get up at 6:30.
We would prefer to get up at 6:30.
We'd prefer to get up at 6:30.
We would prefer getting up at 6:30.
We'd prefer getting up at 6:30.

Explanation: Would rather ('d rather) and would prefer ('d prefer) are correct ways to show preference in a particular situation. Would rather is followed by the base form get. Would prefer can be followed by the forms to get and getting.

7 RECORDED. Click to hear your recorded response.

And would you like to receive breakfast in your room tomorrow?

Correct Answers:
No, we would rather eat breakfast in the dining room.
No, we'd rather eat breakfast in the dining room.
No, we would prefer to eat breakfast in the dining room.
No, we'd prefer to eat breakfast in the dining room.
No, we would prefer eating breakfast in the dining room.
No, we'd prefer eating breakfast in the dining room.

Explanation: Would rather ('d rather) and would prefer ('d prefer) are correct ways to show preference in a particular situation. Would rather is followed by the form eat. Would prefer can be followed by the forms to eat or eating.

8 RECORDED. Click to hear your recorded response.

Continental breakfast will be served in the dining room from 6:30 to 10:30. Would you like to sign up for any of the city tours we have available?

Correct Answers:
No, we would rather not. We won't have time.
No, we'd rather not. We won't have time.
No, we would prefer not to.. We won't have time.
No, we'd prefer not to. We won't have time.

Explanation: Would rather ('d rather) not and would prefer ('d prefer) not are correct ways to give a negative short answer to a question about preference.

9 RECORDED. Click to hear your recorded response.

Well, just let me know if you need anything. Have a wonderful stay in Paris.

Correct Answer:
Thank you.
2006-04-25 21:44:10   此文章已经被查看124次   
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