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Use these common expressions when you are returning someone's telephone call. The first two expressions mean "I am calling you back." The third expression, "I got your message," means "I received your message."

Use these common expressions to thank someone for returning your telephone call. "Thanks for getting back to me" means "Thanks for calling me back."

Use these common expressions to explain why you called. Notice the correct parts of speech:
"I was calling because" + S + V.
"I wanted to talk to you about" + Noun Phrase.

Now practice the expressions you've learned. Go on to the exercises below.

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回复某人的电话时使用这些常用的表达方式。前两个表达方式的意思是 "I am calling you back。" 第三个表达方式,"I got your message" 的意思是"I received your messagem."

感谢某人回复您的电话时使用这些常用表达方式。"Thanks for getting back to me" 的意思是"Thanks for calling me back."

"I was calling because" + S + V。
"I wanted to talk to you about" + 名词词组
2006-05-02 12:54:01   此文章已经被查看136次   
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