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sailing-----rod stewart

i''m sailing, i''m sailing
hold me again, cross the sea
i''m sailing, stormy waters
to be near you,to be free

i''m flying , i''m flying
like a bird,cross the sky
i''m flying , passing it high clouds
to be with you,to be free

can you hear me, can you hear me
through the dark night, far away
i''m dying,forever trying
to be with you, who can say

can you hear me, can you hear me
through the dark night, far away
i''m dying,forever trying
to be with you, who can say

we are sailing, we are sailing
home again (a)cross the sea
we are sailing, stormy waters
to be near you, to be free

oh. lord to be near you, to be free
oh. lord to be near you, to be free
2003-03-18 09:30:58   此文章已经被查看68次   
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