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Very interesting idea
though i think JP economy is an isolated (insular) case which has no comparsion with US.

i agreed most points above. and it's easily to get the conclusion that US exploits/sucks all other countries' blood, thru current damn modern intl financial architecture. that's the so called US's global interest, an excuse to make sure there is enough blood for the vampire.

and another important conculsion is that ANY powerful economy community will face US's attack INEVITABLY, for the potential possibility to challenge current platform. and i'd wish this could help clear some people's mind on Sino-US relationship.

last, an interesting topic, how is the possibility/future if China and other countries to produce another 'vampire' by selling out US$ and buying in Euro$? at least could make some balance there, to foster a strong competitor & weak current 1. i think it's already in processing now, and in long term, US & US economy will sink down DEFINITELY, just like every previous powerful empire/vampire we had seen. US now trys in vain to save current financial scheme by seeding fire & enmity everywhere. this is deemed to lose, and can do nothing to change their shitty destiny.
2003-03-27 10:04:03   此文章已经被查看75次   
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