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Welcome TO the English CORNER THIS Sunday 18:00-19:30

Our school ORGANIZES free English CORNERS EVERY Sunday. Welcome and hope everyone has good feeling (这句不伦不类, 可以删除)。 We hope through this you could get the chance TO talk with FOREIGNERS and IMPROVE YOUR ENGLISH WITH THEM.
This week the topic IS MUSIC. We could talk about the music LIKE rock AND ROLL, popular music, country music, HIP-POP, jazz, blues and so on. MEANWHILE we could talk about the SINGERS. Our teacher IS from USA. He IS INTERESTED IN country music.
We hope we could have a wonderful SUNDAY NIGHT.

句子结构没有改。 你要多多加油了, 小朋友。
2006-06-15 13:04:47   此文章已经被查看292次   
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