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Clampdown on information would worsen expectations on Sars in residents.
People are guessing, and people are spreading eardroppings, and people are still waiting. Generally, people won't feel alert untill someone around him/her contracted with the deadly virus, since sometimes we indulge ourselves in spreading and exagerating incidents as far as virus is still in distance.
Government knows it well and underscore the truth because most of peolpe do believe it. But now, more and more cases emerge, not from the hidden statistics but the spreading virus at large. More local residents get angry about government's attitude and measures taken on media. But it has been too late. It's impossible for government to reveal the true figure to public which maybe triple or more, since the sharp contrast would severely damage the new government's image.
At that time, we should understand that government is facing a dilema which is hard to settle. The young and ambitious leaders(though is quite old in age) have to appear again and again in Guangzhou in television to ensure the public that government is confident to defeat virus and is taking efforts.
So, my dear fellows, be cautious and alert, wash your hands after typing on your keyboard and don't screeze your eyes if you feel sour after reading my long nonsense. Go to wash your hands and take care. Have a good sleep, :-)
2003-04-18 20:41:16   此文章已经被查看46次   
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