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Pretty surprising answers
1. stack up means pile up, things concrete could be placed on the others physically.But right here it's better to use construct or make. But I like this phrase stack up, very good.

2.Same problem, you did not ever use the phrase Catch-22.
Post-graduated should changed to be postgraduate and you'd better add background after education.

got access to , I assure that you'd have wanted to use get access to, but not got, anyway, it's better to use " to make money or to earn money" which is better to understand.

And the second got is not right, it should be get, but you'd better use have. namely to have some money to get access to ...

So you can revise your translation as ... have some money to get access to going to postgraduate school. it's really a Catch-22

Anyway, thank you very much for your work!

I\\\'ll never call it a day unless the most wanted could be captured in person, whatever you do, wherever you are, I\\\'ll get the hold of you, this is Agent Bauer!!
Dir line: 110
2006-07-20 23:59:31   此文章已经被查看129次   
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