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A short book list
More questions please e-mail to Here is the short list:

-- The Quick Red Fox, by John D. MacDonald
-- Nightmare In Pink, by John D. MacDonald
-- People Like Us, by Dominick Dunne
-- Before I Say Good-Bye, by Mary Higgins Clark
-- Sushi for Beginners, by Marian Keyes
-- 20+ books by Nora Roberts
(including 'Heart of the Sea', 'Tears of the Moon',
'Daring to Dream', 'Holding the Dream', 'Findinf Dream', ...)
-- 10+ books by Sandra Brown ('Slow Heat in Heaven', ...)
-- 5+ books Christina Skye ('Going Overboarad', ...)
-- 3+ books by Janet Evanovich ('Hot Six', ...)
-- Books by Diana Palmer, Joan Johnston, Lori Foster, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Gena Hale, ...
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