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龙    币:4523
积    分:2192.1
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又来一个普通开发的:Software Engineer
Position Title:
Software Engineer – Level 2 (2)

Beijing Oriental Plaza

HR Contact :

Closing Date:
Feb. 02, 2007

(Sr.) Software Engineer
Job Overview
We are seeking talented software engineers with passion for supporting world-class products in the storage and networking domain. You will be working on the latest technologies in networking, storage, TCP/IP communications, and security. You will work with the world wide support team to provide the professional services to enterprise customers.
Key Responsibilities
§ Design and implement software units/modules/products.
§ Unit/module testing of software.
§ Participate in design and code reviews.
§ Develop and direct software testing plans for quality assurance. Assist Quality Assurance Team.
§ Set up software development environments.
§ Research perceived problem situations
§ Create Informational Solutions or Product Information Bulletins for problems with Technical Writers.
Job Requirement
§ BS/MS Degree in Computer Science or related field.
§ 3+ years of commercial software development.
§ Expert level in C/C++, SDK/MFC programming.
§ Good knowledge of Windows system programming: file system, security, inter-process communication and synchronization mechanisms, etc.
§ Outstanding design/debugging/coding skills. Problem solving skills.
§ Quality Management.
§ Team Work.
§ Good knowledge of storage, networking, security of Windows server systems
§ Driver development a plus.
§ Kernel debugging a plus.

2007-01-17 20:29:30   此文章已经被查看137次   
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