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PSO Open House Event
Google's Partner Solutions Organization (PSO) is hosting an event to highlight the work they do to build solutions between Google and its partners. This will be an excellent opportunity to better understand how this group contributes to both Google and its partners' success.

We invite you to hear about how Google's PSO is building bridges between Google and its Partners and crossing innovation frontiers in technology and business during our world tour in locations near you:

March 22 - London, England
March 26 - Delhi, India
March 29 - Hyderabad, India
April 4 - Tokyo, Japan
April 6 - Seoul, Korea
April 10 - Beijing China
April 24 - Mountain View, US
May 4 - Zurich, Switzerland

PSO is a technical, partner-facing group at Google, dedicated to developing and managing Google's most strategic partnerships. Our multi-faceted PSO generalists work together with teams across Google to address the most pressing problems our partners have – ones that have no simple answers. We feel privileged to serve and build enduring long-term relationships with Google's largest partners, those partners which represent outstanding revenue opportunities for Google or who are of strategic importance in taking Google's new, world-shaping technologies to market.

If you have a strong technical background and are interested in putting your business passion and out-of-box creativity into practice –we want to talk to you!

For more information and to register please go to 该网址不再展示

If you can not access this URL, please provide your personal infos like name, contact info, education, work experience, I can help to register.

2007-03-15 18:53:08   此文章已经被查看326次   
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