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Position: preschool English teacher
Working time:8:00-12:00 am

-Key Responsibilities:
-Set up an English learning program suitable for the children.
-Design a series of games in order to learn English in life.
-Play with the children outdoors.
-Participate the children's life activity, such as dinner, game, sleeping, social cooperation and conflict etc..
-Report monthly about language progress for each child.
-Train other teachers in school to upgrade their English.
-Take part in the teaching conference.

-outgoing and active ;
-Have an understanding and loving heart;
-Devote to the preschool education;
-English teaching is plus.
(此文由echo-g在2007-11-01 21:39:21编辑过)
2007-11-01 21:36:51   此文章已经被查看484次   
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