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招聘Project manager/项目经理
Work in a newly established R&D center with a dynamic, stimulating environment, competitive compensation and plenty of opportunities to grow professionally, in an organization providing digital set-top box, digital mobile TV, and broadband networking products.

Activities will include:
Responsible for the whole life cycle of projects from requirement, schedule, dev, integration, validation and delivery compatible with the corporate process and CMM
Monitor, communicate, report the performance and progress of projects
Key coordinator among the internal actors (hardware, system validation, sales, marketing, developers, manufacturing and etc) to ensure on time delivery of the projects in terms of reactivity, priority, quality and cost
Manage project team to meet project objectives with good retention approach.
Motivate the team to get the best performance: communication, training, assignment
Support to create mobility inside the group among project teams
Contribute to quality process
Risk management for projects

Required profile:
Bachelor/Master degree in Computer Science or Electronic Engineering
5+ years relevant experience in embedded system/consumer electronics industry
2+ years relevant experience on project management
1+ years relevant experience on team management
Project management certificated is preferred
Fluently in English, both verbally and in writing
Must be capable of working with M/S Project, M/S Excel etc.
Must be able to plan / prioritise his/her own work.
Must be self-motivated.
Must be able to work as part of a team, to be able to listen and learn from other team members, and have an open, transparent approach.
Fluently in Chinese (Mandarin), both verbally and in writing if work for Chinese project

Please sent your cv to stanleylee@p-infinity.com
(此文由单兵在2008-12-18 21:54:01编辑过)
2008-12-18 21:52:09   此文章已经被查看319次   
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