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等    级:长老
经 验 值:1491
魅 力 值:92
龙    币:3180
积    分:1596.4
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美国格理集团招聘兼职-英语类大三以上本科生 或英语专业毕业人士
职位名称: 实习生或业务助理--美国格理集团北京办事处
  工作地点: 北京-金融街
  职位类型: 兼职
  职位: Intern
  数目: 1个
1. 书面英语好(因为需要做翻译工作,给外国人看的)
2. 每周能来3次以上。
3. 英语系大三以上学生,或毕业生优先考虑
4. 英语专业八级优先考虑。


联系方式: Mr. Li 感兴趣的者请将简历发至信箱。谢谢。





  Gerson Lehrman Group: An Introduction

  Gerson Lehrman Group is an independent research firm serving institutional investors and business leaders. GLG was founded in 1998 by three gentlemen who we're previously working in investment, consulting and journalism and who thought that research could be made far more effective. They began their business by publishing several industry guidebooks. When trying to sell the books to global mutual funds and hedge funds, the three discovered that rather than read their guides, institutional investors were more interested in speaking with the industry expert contributors. Speaking directly to hard-to-find experts allowed investors a private interaction that could be tailored to their particular questions.

  Thus was born GLG and its global network of industry professionals and experts--the Gerson Lehrman Group Councils.Today, GLG provides research to its clients not by writing reports but by paying over 100,000 expert members of the GLG Councils to speak with GLG clients over the phone, in person, or via online surveys. GLG has offices in New York;Boston; Washington, DC; Chicago; Los Angeles; San Francisco; London; Sydney; Dehli; Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong.

  Launched in 2004, GLG’s Asian operations consist of actively finding and managing the best experts for our clients across Asia, Europe and North America.For more information on Gerson Lehrman Group, please visit 该网址不再展示
2009-02-09 16:22:10   此文章已经被查看675次   
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