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等    级:资深长老
经 验 值:11977
魅 力 值:3309
龙    币:52258
积    分:22122.7
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Job Title: Production Manager Department: Production Department

Reports to: General Manager Location: Beijing

Supervises: Heads of Production Departments

When absent replaced by: General Manager

INCOTEC is the world-wide leader in adding value to seed and other starter materials through various seed and coating technology methods. In our 40 years history, we have developed and innovated all kind of seed and coating technologies and products such as upgrading, priming, disinfection, filmcoating, encrusting and pelleting etc. We can also supply kinds of analytical services to the seed industry like genetic quality checking, marker assistant breeding, dust-off and seed loading and distribution testing etc. In our daily business we are dealing with all kinds of seeds from vegetables, flowers, tobacco, large acre crops, forages, pastures till cereals. INCOTEC is active all over the world in the Netherlands, USA, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Canada, Brazil, South Africa, Japan, India, Australia and China.

For our activities in China, we are looking for: Production Manager

1, Job de&#115cription:
Preparing the budget and designing of the local plant and implement. Managing the production department so that all elements of the production process are geared to one another and in accordance with the demands and specifications of the customer/internal companies.

2, Duties and responsibilities:
- Responsible for the production budget, the OPEX and the CAPEX.
- Supervises heads of the production and coordinate with other departments and keeps the GM informed about the progress.
- Prepares, documents and monitors the strategic production policy incl. annual budgets, more year planning, paying special attention to automation, environmental planning (accommodation), logistics, quality, this being a component of the business plan (strategy & annual budget) for the short and medium-long term.
- Leads projects for the benefit of the issues mentioned above.
- Is responsible for a well organised PRO with an optimal amount of personnel, means and materials.
- Executes and organises the production processes and coordinates them with other disciplines (R&D, ACM, BID, SPM, etc.) within the organisation.
- Monitors the production operation and therefore also the safety of the PRO processes and the protection of quality.
- Indicates, studies and implements new processes, methods and operational means such as Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)…
- Makes suggestions for the improved functioning of him-/herself, the department and the organisation.
- Market-/process guidance to other internal companies and Licence holders: COA en SET provide know-how in the form of training, audits etc;

3, Minimum requirements for this position:
- A minimum of 5 years experience in a managerial position;
- Good English skill in both oral and writing
- Professional reporting skills
- Computer literate

4, Specific skills required for this position:
-A sound knowledge of seed and coating technology will be preferred
-Ability to form and maintain new business relationships
-Adequate negotiation and presentation skills
-Ability to maintain good relationships with all INCOTEC employees without this
detracting from the customer orientation
- Inspiring and motivating personality
- Flexible attitude to work times, duties, responsibilities and prepared to travel;
- Responds positively to the environment of entrepreneurships at INCOTEC

5, Information:
For more information on our company visit: 该网址不再展示 />
Please send you CV to

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