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SDE /Lead for BSP development(工作地点:北京)
 First as a senior developer, you will implement BSP features and fix the issues happen in them. You need very strong technical and trouble-shooting skills to achieve that. Developing and maintaining driver development (NAND, radio, audio, etc) will be the major work.
 Second part of the work is help to manage the team. You need to understand the project status and assign work to suitable team member. Every day you should update the team status and issues to the project lead.
 Strong coding and debugging skills. Proficient in C++
 At least 3 year experience in driver development
 Fluent English
 Window CE or Mobile experience will be a big plus
 Open mind and willing to learn new knowledge

2010-03-20 16:20:14   此文章已经被查看229次   
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