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等    级:长老
经 验 值:239
魅 力 值:190
龙    币:1544
积    分:653.8
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职位名称:Executive Assistant
工作地点:Changping Dist., Beijing

Key Areas of Responsibilities

1. Provide administrative support for executive, such as arrange and coordinate travel arrangements, conference calls, appointments and meetings for executive.
2. Screen and answer mails, correspondence. Translation, recording of minutes, typing of business letters and contracts, compiling visitor schedules, etc,
3. Act as liaison between executive and other senior management team on follow-up action items.
4. Maintain the executive's office and accounting records; monitor standard expenditures to ensure that the activities of the office are conducted within established regulations
5. To coordinate the formal visit from customer
6. Any other duties as may be assigned from time to time

Job requirements

1. Minimum Bachelor degree majored in business, English.
2. Min.2 years relevant experience, with Multinational companies working experience.
3. Good communication and co-ordination skills. Be fluent in English (both oral and written),
4. Good level of skill in use of computer applications, especially PowerPoint, Outlook, Excel & Word;
5. Attention to details and good follow-up skills, honest, diligent
6. Positive working attitude, responsible and hard working.
7. Ability to juggle several tasks simultaneously.
8. Strong sense of confidentiality

2010-05-18 12:09:36   此文章已经被查看579次   
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