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等    级:长老
经 验 值:507
魅 力 值:120
龙    币:1834
积    分:813
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播思通讯 职位 ( software engineer )
播思通讯 职位 ( software engineer )

Development middleware/ service and application based on OMS platform

- Extensive programming experience in C mandatory; Java and C++ programming experience may also be considered
- Experienced in telephony protocols, such as AT command(v.25), PPP, TCP/IP protocols,3GPP spec includes Call ,SIM,SMS,GPRS ,etc
- More than 1 year development experience under Linux is preferred
- Good team player, responsible, excellent learning ability, effective with ability to take pressure
- Fluent in both oral and written English
- Bachelor's degree or above in SC or EE
Work Position
Base in BJ 90%
Traveling:Domestic 5%, International 5%

Please send your resume to

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