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DBS Solution Engineer---数据库解决方案工程师 职位要求
DBS Skill Set Requirement
Knowledge of SQL and SQL experience
Understanding of Relational Database Concepts
General computer troubleshooting skills in UNIX, Linux, and Windows
Database Administrator Experience
Experience using UNIX, Linux and Windows
Experience using the vi editor
Knowledge of remote connectivity using telnet, ssh, Windows Remote Desktop, ftp, sftp, zmodem, Windows dialup networking and PPP.
Programming experience in C or C++
Ability to write simple shell &#115cripts, shell, perl
Ability to handle difficult situations and work with the customer
Ability to work under pressure to meet deadlines
Ability to work in a team environment
Ability to prioritize work
Ability to multi-task and switch between multiple problems each work day.
Ability to write technical documentation in English
Strong interpersonal communication skills in English.
Ability to carry an oncall pager to be oncall 7/24 on occasion
Ability to understand and sort through large amounts of technical documentation
2011-04-21 17:54:58   此文章已经被查看490次   
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