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等    级:长老
经 验 值:1763
魅 力 值:293
龙    币:1857
积    分:1408.8
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我替一个做猎头的朋友发一招聘启事,McKinsey 的,有人感兴趣吗?
Position: Fellow
Intrinsic skills
•Strong analytical ability
•Excellent problem solving skills
•Leadership potential
•Self-driven and motivated toward impact/end-results
•Long-term commitment to PRC
•Passion for solving business issues
•Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills
•Eagerness for travel and experiencing of different cultures
Required qualifications
•Strong academics–Top local school graduates (e.g. Tsinghua, PKU, Fudan and Shanghai Jiaotong, etc.) with IT-related, finance, technical or science based degree; MBA preferred
–Foreign – MIT, Wharton, Chicago, Kellogg etc
•Intensive work experience–Distinctive area of expertise in one of the following industry/functional areas
•Industry: IT, Telecom
•Function: BD, Sales & Marketing and Strategy, business operations
–3-4 years IT/Telecom business related work experience with 2+ year in management position; with rapid career progression (e.g. change of role with additional resp. every two years)
–•“Real-world” Business/IT operations exposure
–Worked in China with both MNC and local companies
–Fluency with business and technology operational issues
–•Demonstrated leadership
–Team leadership role in work environment with evidence of management skills
–Demonstrated leadership in school activities (e.g. officer/president of club, major regional/national sporting achievement)
–Fluency in Mandarin Chinese and English (spoken and written)
2004-05-19 11:47:48   此文章已经被查看50次   
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