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Human Resources Director, Asia (Shanghai Based) 人力资源总监(驻上海)
Electronic Arts (EA) is the world's leading independent developer and publisher of interactive entertainment software for personal computers and advanced entertainment systems such as the PlayStation®2 Computer Entertainment System, the PlayStation®, Xbox™ video game console from Microsoft, the Nintendo GameCube™ and the Game Boy® Advance. Since its inception, EA has garnered more than 700 awards for outstanding software in the U.S. and Europe.

EA markets its products worldwide under four brand logos, EA SPORTS 、EA GAMES 、EA SPORTS BIG及EA.COM and has over 33 product franchises that have reached more than a million unit sales worldwide. Its revenues exceed US$2.96 billion with about 5,000 employees in 26 different countries.

美国艺电有限公司代表处,公司现在为全世界最大的互动性娱乐软件制作发行商。EA的产品范围广泛,包括个人计算机游戏、Sony Play Station 1 & 2 、Xbox 电视游器软件、任天堂GameCube、Game Boy Advance游器软件等等。EA将旗下的软件产品分成四个品牌商标销售于全世界:EA SPORTS 、EA GAMES 、EA SPORTS BIG及EA.COM.EA全球有超过33个产品特许经营商和超过一百万个分销点。业务分布26国家,盈利超过US$2.96亿和全球超过5000位员工。
地 址:上海市威海路755号文新报业大厦14楼
联 系 人:周颖小姐


Human Resources Director, Asia (Shanghai Based) 人力资源总监(驻上海)

发布日期:2004-09-28 工作地点:上海市
招聘人数:若干 学 历:本科
工作年限:五年以上 薪水范围:面议
外语要求:英语 熟练

Key Responsibilities
Reporting to the Senior Human Resources Director Asia, he/she will be the key business partner to the Central part of the Asia Region-including China, Taiwan, Singapore and Thailand. The HR Director will guide and advise Country General Managers and their management teams on the HR implications of business strategies. This individual will also be responsible for transferring traditional HR skills to managers and employees to allow employees to reach their full potential. Responsible for implementing regional and corporate programs tailored to the various countries, as well as co-developing specific people programs/processes that come out of the business plan. Functionally, it will cover compensation & benefits, mediating/counseling, performance management, staffing, workforce planning, organization development and employee communication, etc..

Personal Characteristics
The incumbent should demonstrate a high level of integrity, be accountable, consultative, influential, facilitative and collaborative. He/she should have strong partnering skills, process oriented and is able to manage in a changing and ambiguous environment. High interpersonal skills and flexibility in working with creative people are essential.

The incumbent should posses a bachelor or higher degree in Human Resources or related disciplines. A minimum of 7-10 years experience in Human Resources Management operating as a business partner is required. Experience working in Hi-Technology Software companies or in the Entertainment industry is highly preferred. Fluent written and spoken English with excellent communication skills are necessary.

Interested parties please send your application letter and resume with current and expected remuneration package to Electronic Arts:
上海市威海路755号文新报业大厦14楼 周颖小姐 邮政编码:200041
OR Eail:
上海市威海路755号文新报业大厦14楼 周颖小姐 邮政编码:200041

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