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等    级:居民
经 验 值:7
魅 力 值:12
龙    币:39
积    分:20.5
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猎头职位:美国独资软件公司 软件工程师 软件质量保证工程师
Job Requirements

Education and Training

·4-year degree in software engineering or equivalent experience

Technical Requirements

·C and C++ programming skills
·Experience with Windows or Linux system APIs
·Ability to quickly learn PC-Doctor features and capabilities
·Ability to work independently and communicate with company customers and employees
·PC hardware knowledge, and ability to keep up with developments in PC hardware, firmware and operating systems


·Excellent communication skills
·Demonstrated ability to respond positively to time-pressured environment
·Desire to take the initiative
·Ability to work cooperatively and congenially with others
·Ability to travel more than 10% of the time


Minimum Job Requirements

Education and Training

·4 year technical degree, or equivalent experience
·Fluent in Chinese and English (written and verbal)

Technical Requirements

·More than two years of related technical experience
·Ability to quickly learn PC-Doctor features and capabilities
·Ability to work independently and communicate with company customers and employees as needed
·PC hardware knowledge, and currency with developments in PC hardware, firmware and operating systems
·Familiar with Windows, DOS, and Linux operating systems
·Experience with Linux install, configure, and troubleshoot
·Understanding of programming concepts
·Knowledge of scripting languages and concepts (i.e., Perl, Python, BAT files, etc.)


·Excellent communication skills
·Demonstrated ability to respond positively to time-pressured environment
·Desire to take the initiative
·Ability to work cooperatively and congenially wit
2005-04-25 22:25:42   此文章已经被查看56次   
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