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Job Summary

To provide technical support for Sun's customer base in their native language to resolve technical issues they may encounter using Sun's software products. The position requires providing support to our customers and on site personnel via telephone and interfacing with Sun's global support structure for problem resolution. Candidates required reading/writing/speaking and comprehension skills in Mandarin, Cantonese or Japanese.

Job Description

Major Activities/Responsibilities:
Provide postsales on-site and telephone system support to Sun's customers.
Manage escalation to resolution.
Provide support to partners on service calls.
Installation, problem isolation and resolution, utilitising system software and diagnostics.
Act as an interface between customers and Sun, Remote Service Delivery engineers and Sun's product sustaining engineers.
Manage customers incidents using Sun case management tools and Sun's Global Resolution Methodology.
Require 7 x 24 on -call rotation duty.
Provide Transfer-of-Information (TOIs) seminars to other support personnel.
Participate in new products technical support and delivery reviews.
Communicate to Japanese customers.

Description of Required Knowledge and Skills

3+ years professional software support experience to include a minimum
of 1 years of customer technical support roles. With this experience the
applicant must be able to demonstrate exceptional skills in supporting
customers over the phone and include professional development experience
and/or strong scripting capabilities.
A minimum of 2 years successful diagnostic and problem-solving
coding/testing skills.

At least 2 years experience administering a mix of UNIX and Windows
computer systems
Familiarity with the operation and support of various applications
Ability to multi-task due to ever changing support priorities
Excellent written and verbal communications skills

Minimum level of education :Degree in Computer Science or demonstrated experience within the computer industry.
2005-11-25 20:55:41   此文章已经被查看173次   
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