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等    级:资深长老
经 验 值:14536
魅 力 值:9289
龙    币:19892
积    分:16426.5
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微软公司MSN事业部(中国区)对Financial Analyst职位的能力需求
Financial Analyst
Job Title: Financial Analyst
Department: MSN Technologies (China)
Location: Beijing, China
Status: Full Time Employee
Reports to: Business and Operations Manager
Required Number: 1

Accountabilities and Responsibilities:
Work closely with MSN world wide business management team, the "Financial Analyst" will be responsible for delivering key analysis of the financial and operational performance of MSN Technologies (China) on a weekly or monthly basis, including involvement in business unit monthly and quarterly reviews. Core responsibilities include -

• Reporting - develop and maintain financial reports, analysis and key performance metrics; work with MSN finance controller, accounting and MSNTC team leaders to ensure accuracy of financials. Review financial results and present them to MSNTC management and MSN finance in various monthly/quarterly forums (MBR, QBR, MYR, BPR etc.)

• Budgeting & Forecasting - create accurate forecast of the business performance through understanding business objectives and key operational drivers. Incorporate P&L insight into forecasting process and identify cost efficacy opportunities. Review and gain sign off of Quarterly forecast from management and MSN Finance.

• Financial Modeling - assist MSNTC to evaluate and/or perform financial analysis of potential new business, cost savings & scenario modeling opportunities. Offer financial guidance and support of this process through an in-depth understanding of service operation & internet industry landscape.

• Business Partnering - provide valued business insight that helps business decision makers more effectively manage their business for higher return. Educate business partners on financial tools, process, policies and reporting.

• Other responsibilities that may be assigned by manager
• Ambitious, self-starter with the ability to multi-task and effectively manage priorities; 2. 5+ years of financial reporting & analysis experience, preferably in a high tech company.
• A BS/BA degree in Finance, Accounting or Economics. MBA preferred
• Excellent communication skills and problem solving abilities; ability to project manage effectively; superb collaboration skills
• Demonstrated expertise in developing financial models, forecasting, reporting and analysis
• Strong MS tools (i.e. MARS, SAP) and Excel modeling skills desired. Database skill is a plus.
• Detail oriented and thorough, with ability to think "big picture" and understand the key trends and levers that drive the business.
• Overseas experience in relevant position will be a super plus.
2006-02-27 12:43:21   此文章已经被查看359次   
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