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等    级:资深长老
经 验 值:4521
魅 力 值:3090
龙    币:3554
积    分:4419.6
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Specialist, Technical Training & Support
Job Requirements ( Key Skills) and Experience Needed:

Main Areas of Responsibilities:

Responsible for training of our licensees and customers on various cdmaOne and CDMA2000 courses, in order to support rapid deployment of CDMA mobiles and infrastructure in China market
Lead and coordinate courses with customers and instructors
Overall training strategy, marketing, and planning
Channel recruitment and management
Instructor coordination and evaluation
Job Requirements & Experience Needed:

Strong management, execution and leadership skills
Strong theoretical and practical understanding of CDMA concepts
Good communication and presentation skills
B.S. degree with 3+ years experience in Telecommunication training area
Familiar with CDMA and associated standards
Fluent in Chinese and English

2003-02-21 10:06:55   此文章已经被查看49次   
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