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等    级:资深长老
经 验 值:4521
魅 力 值:3090
龙    币:3554
积    分:4419.6
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Technical Marketing Specialist
Job Requirements ( Key Skills) and Experience Needed:

Main Areas of Responsibilities:
Strategic initiatives to promote nationwide adoption and development of CDMA technologies that enables wireless internet services
Coordination and support actions of different QC organizations in China with related government departments, carriers and manufacturers
Coordinate with Marketing group to evaluate various conferences, seminars, summits and forums for different levels of participation, including sponsorship, speech/presentation etc. and provide feedback to QC management
Monitor the progress of TD-SCDMA technology, update the status, and make recommendations whenever necessary
Marketing research and analysis, propose recommendations
Write technical articles and able to translate articles between Chinese and English

Job Requirements & Experience Needed:
3 years or above experience in market research or technical marketing role, preferable with multi-national companies
Strong technical background in CDMA or related area
Experience of working with professional service providers
Informative and resourceful in the industry
Excellent communication and presentation skills
Skills to interact with senior management
Good English and Chinese communication (speaking and writing)
Strong analysis and familiar with professional methodologies in market research
Bachelor degree in telecommunication and MBA is preferred

2003-02-21 10:08:02   此文章已经被查看83次   
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