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等    级:长老
经 验 值:2159
魅 力 值:166
龙    币:898
积    分:1216
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世界著名软件公司招聘Lab Technician一名,工作地点北京


We are looking for an individual to setup and support all the labs and facility in the ITIC. We have multiple technically demanding labs and facilities with different focuses and needs. Day to day activities involve setup and troubleshooting hardware, network topologies and technologies in a heterogeneous environment involving multiple Operating Systems running on servers and workstations and non-Microsoft applications.

As a candidate for this position, you must be technically proficient and have a passion to provide courteous and timely support to internal and external customers. You must also pay great attention to details, be willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done, a self-starter, well-organized, motivated and driven towards self improvement and development.


• Initial setup and configuration of ITIC data center, OEM lab, ISV lab and localization lab
• Troubleshoot, maintenance and support of the data center and the above labs, which include:
o Physical infrastructure
o Servers, desktops, storage
o Network services such as DNS, network management and TCP/IP protocol
• Administer production and test area servers, systems and infrastructure, which include:
o Infrastructure services
o Active Directory
o Clustering
o Windows NT/2000/XP professional and server
o Storage technologies
o Intel based hardware
o Physical infrastructure
• Maintenance of the EBC and auditorium hardware and software systems
• Assist in setup and maintenance of the enterprise solution gallery and the PC innovation gallery
• Work with all stake holders to provide courteous and timely services
• Work with Redmond corporate and other technology centers lab technician to improve lab processes and our ability to serve customers


• Minimum 3 years experience in related field
• In depth knowledge of MS Windows and MS application software.
• Working experience of Microsoft SQL Server or comparable RDBMS
• MCSE certification for Windows Server
• Cisco certification --- Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) and Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP)
• Understand Internet ADSL tech.
• Strong problem resolution, analysis and customer service skills required
• Good written and verbal skills in both Chinese and English.
• B.S. in Computer Science, Math, EE or equivalent education
2003-03-19 13:07:54   此文章已经被查看369次   
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