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CSI Technology Group (CSI) is a successful software development and service provider for law enforcement, judicial, regulatory and administrative agencies in the United Sates. Contracted by numbers of agencies from state of New Jersey, New Mexico, Hawaii and Nevada, CSI has established a reputation for developing and supporting web-based applications for criminal justice agencies.

World-renowned forensic expert, Dr. Henry C. Lee, who confirmed our devotion and recognized the excellence of our technology, not only has strongly recommended CSI to numerous justice agencies worldwide, but also has joined CSI as our expert consultant since 2000. The combination of Dr. Lee’s knowledge and our technology allows CSI to produce advanced systems on evidence management and applications of artificial intelligence in criminal investigations.

Due to overwhelming demands in delivering our marvelous applications and services to the agencies, CSI recently sets up a Research and Development center in Beijing. This R&D center will not only provide US-based headquarter with its developing and supporting products for the customers throughout the US, but also introduce the latest technology to the law enforcement agencies in China, which will improve the agencies’ work efficiency and increase the civilians’ satisfaction to the government officers.

We currently are looking for talented and energetic software analysts with both IT professional and management background to join this fast growing and exciting organization. We will sponsor H1 visa and future permanent residency opportunities to the best qualified developers for working in US after probation.

CSI Technology Group USA在全美的检察院,法院,警务,监狱系統等法务及政务公检法权力机关里,是相当知名的软件开发服务商。CSI所开发的软件已经广泛地运用在美国市场上,新泽西、夏威夷、新墨西哥、內华达等州政府机构相继采用CSI以互联网为基础的先进电子政法软件。

国际知名的刑事鉴别专家李昌鈺博士对于CSI历年來在电子法务上的务实努力和在科技上的突破精进,抱持积极肯定的态度,他不止一次主动向国际知名的执法机关推荐CSI的科技产品,更于2000年正式加入 CSI 团队,成为CSI 在研发电子政法软件上的专业顾问。李昌鈺博士的专业知识和CSI的技术相結合有助于CSI在证据管理和人工智能应用程序上开发更为先进的罪案调查系統,加強我们所开发的软件在罪案调查领域的专业认同度并將最終实现人工智能破案。

基于客戶对我們的软件和服务的強烈需求,CSI 近期在中国北京设立CSI Technology Group China研发中心。這座研发中心未來不单只是替美国总公司的在美客戶提供最新的产品研发和技术支持,更將把最新的科技引进中国,以大力提升中国政法机构的工作效率及对刑案管理的科学化。

我們正积极招聘兼具能力与活力,並具有科技相关研发和管理背景的人士加入我们這个发展迅速的团队。CSI 將为其中优秀的员工提供到美國工作并加入美国总部的研发团队的机会。

能够流利的用英文交流, 有外企工作经验优先;
具有良好的沟通能力及团队协作精神, 有较强的分析和解决问题的能力;
具备良好的心理素质,有责任感和创新精神, 能够承受较强的工作压力。

网址: 该网址不再展示

职位名称:(.NET)赴美高级软件工程师 (薪资范围:20000-30000/月) (工作地点:美国)

Job Duties:
1. Design application architecture and database data structure;
2. Develop high performance web application utilizing ASP.NET and ASP;
3. Develop windows based application using C#, VB.NET and ADO.NET;
4. Interact with project managers and ensure assigned tasks are being completed in a timely fashion.

1. BS/MS in Computer Science or related fields;
2. 5 years experience on OOA/OOD project, development experience on enterprise level web applications is a plus;
3. Proficiency with UML and tools such as System Architect / Rational Rose / MS Visio;
4. Hands on experience with object oriented Design, Coding on the following technologies:
C#, ASP.NET, ASP, ADO.NET, COM, Javascript, VBscript, SOAP/XML (Web Services),
5. At least 3 years multi-tier programming experience on .NET;
6. In-depth experience on design and coding with related database MSSQL and Oracle, Solid skill on SQL;
7. Ability to communicate with English fluently, CET-6 is required or equivalent level.

Interview includes the .NET and related technology coding test on computer.

1. 设计和开发系统底层构架和数据库结构;
2. 用ASP.NET和ASP开发高可用性的网站系统;
3. 用C#, VB.NET和ADO.NET开发Windows界面的应用程序;
4. 能和项目经理进行有效的交流并及时完成所分配的任务.

1. 本科以上学历,计算机相关专业;
2. 具有5年或以上OOA/OOD项目经验,有大型网站系统开发经验者优先;
3. 熟悉UML,有丰富的使用System Architect / Rational Rose / MS Visio建模 的经验;
4. 精通面向对象的设计及以下语言 C#, ASP.NET, ASP, ADO.NET, COM, Javascript, VBscript, SOAP/XML(Web Service)
5. 具有至少连续三年或以上的 ASP.NET(VB.NET/C#)在多层结构上的 程序开发经验;
6. 精通MSSQL和Oracle数据库,熟悉SQL语言并具有数据库开发的经验;
7. 能够流利的用英文交流,要求有通过CET-6考试或相当水平.



职位名称:(.NET)高级软件工程师 (薪资范围:8000-10000/月)  (工作地点:北京,美国)

Job Duties:
1. Design application architecture and database data structure;
2. Develop high performance web application utilizing ASP.NET and ASP;
3. Develop windows based application using C#, VB.NET and ADO.NET;
4. Interact with project managers and ensure assigned tasks are being completed in a timely fashion.

8. BS/MS in Computer Science or related fields;
9. 5 years experience on OOA/OOD project, development experience on enterprise level web applications is a plus;
10. Proficiency with UML and tools such as System Architect / Rational Rose / MS Visio;
11. Hands on experience with object oriented Design, Coding on the following technologies:
C#, ASP.NET, ASP, ADO.NET, COM, Javascript, VBscript, SOAP/XML (Web Services),
12. At least 3 years multi-tier programming experience on .NET;
13. In-depth experience on design and coding with related database MSSQL and Oracle, Solid skill on SQL;
14. Ability to communicate with English fluently, CET-6 is required or equivalent level.

Interview includes the .NET and related technology coding test on computer.
1. 设计和开发系统底层构架和数据库结构;
2. 用ASP.NET和ASP开发高可用性的网站系统;
3. 用C#, VB.NET和ADO.NET开发Windows界面的应用程序;
4. 能和项目经理进行有效的交流并及时完成所分配的任务.

8. 本科以上学历,计算机相关专业;
9. 具有5年或以上OOA/OOD项目经验,有大型网站系统开发经验者优先;
10. 熟悉UML,有丰富的使用System Architect / Rational Rose / MS Visio建模 的经验;
11. 精通面向对象的设计及以下语言 C#, ASP.NET, ASP, ADO.NET, COM, Javascript, VBscript, SOAP/XML(Web Service)
12. 具有至少连续三年或以上的 ASP.NET(VB.NET/C#)在多层结构上的 程序开发经验;
13. 精通MSSQL和Oracle数据库,熟悉SQL语言并具有数据库开发的经验;
14. 能够流利的用英文交流,要求有通过CET-6考试或相当水平.


职位名称:(ASP.NET / ASP) 软件工程师—应用开发人员 (薪资范围:6000-8000/月)  (工作地点:北京)

Job Duties:
1. Develop high performance web application utilizing ASP.NET and ASP;
2. Develop windows based application using C#, VB.NET and ADO.NET;
3. Design query, trigger, stored procedure, job and user defined function on SQL server;
4. Interact with project managers and ensure assigned tasks are being completed in a timely fashion.

1. BS/MS in Computer Science or related fields;
2. At least 2 years multi-tier programming experience on .NET and more years experience on ASP, Experience on transforming ASP to ASP.NET is plus;
3. Hands on experience with object oriented Design, Coding on the following technologies:
C#, ASP.NET, ASP, ADO.NET, COM, Javascript, VBscript, SOAP/XML (Web Services), DHTML and ActiveX Control;
4. Experience on IIS and SQL Server, SQL, Stored Procedure, trigger, user defined function and job;
5. Proficiency with related database design and coding high performance, very maintainable applications;
6. Ability to communicate with English fluently, CET-6 is required or equivalent level.

Interview includes the .NET and related technology coding test on computer.
1. 用ASP.NET和ASP开发高可用性的网站系统;
2. 用C#, VB.NET和ADO.NET开发Windows界面的应用程序;
3. 设计数据库触发器,存储过程和用户自定义函数等;
4. 能和项目经理进行有效的交流并及时完成所分配的任务.

1. 本科以上学历,计算机相关专业;
2. 具有至少连续两年或以上的 ASP.NET(VB.NET/C#)在多层结构上的 程序开发经验和三年以上的ASP开发经验,做过从ASP至ASP.NET的移植工作优先;
3. 精通面向对象的设计及以下语言和技术: C#, ASP.NET, ASP, ADO.NET, COM, Javascript, VBscript, SOAP/XML(Web Service), DHTML 和ActiveX控件在网页编程中的应用和安全配置;
4. 熟悉.IIS和MS SQL Server数据库, 熟练使用SQL语言, 掌握存储过程和触发器等编程;
5. 良好的数据库分析,以及程序设计能力 ;
6. 能够流利的用英文交流,要求有通过CET-6考试或相当水平.


职位名称:办公室管理人员 (薪资范围:2500-3500/月)  (工作地点:北京)

Job Duties:
1. Maintain all day-to-day operations of the office in Beijing;
2. Develop and manage HR policies and procedures to comply with regulations in Republic of China;
3. Maintain corporate records for personnel and financial data;
4. Manage payroll process including entering and verifying payroll data, distributing payroll and expense checks, and paying insurance coverage to the employees;
5. Provide staffing and recruiting support for growing organization;
6. Provide administrative support to the management team in Beijing;
7. Assist management team with bookkeeping, developing and tracking budgets, tracking expenses, and financial reporting;
8. Establish and maintain expense process and guidelines based on Chinese regulations, verify and process expense reports for the organization;
9. Have highly confidentiality concern about both physical and intelligent company’s properties.

1. Bachelor degree, English major is preferred;
2. 2+ year working experience in administration and Human Resource;
3. Familiar with national labor law and local employment regulations;
4. Strong communication skill, Good command of English, CET-6 is required;
5. Familiar with Microsoft office software;
6. Strong management skill;
7. Strong coordination technique, fast self-start learner;
8. Strong responsibility and team work spirit.

1. 负责公司行政、人事管理制度的建立并且确保公司的劳动人事管理制度符合中国的法律法规;
2. 制定人力资源计划,包括配置计划、薪酬福利、培训及绩效评估等并保证计划的有效进行;
3. 每月定期发放工资并为员工交付社会保险;
4. 组织新员工的入职培训;
5. 公司领导交办的其他事项。
6. 努力为员工创造良好的职业发展环境;
7. 负责公司固定资产及办公用品采购的审核,确保采购的合理性及经济性;
8. 保证公司的年检等事宜依照国家有关规定按时完成;
9. 保证公司印鉴使用、资料的借阅符合公司管理规定、及其它设备使用安排合理.

1. 大学本科学历,英文专业优先;
2. 具二年以上人事管理工作经验,有丰富的行政及人力资源管理理论基础;
3. 熟悉日常行政,人事事务处理流程,具有成熟外企同等职位者优先;
4. 熟练的英文听说读写的能力,CET六级及以上水平;
5. 熟练使用office办公软件;
6. 有亲和力,具有较强的口头、文字表达能力及较好的领导才能;
7. 工作积极务实,沟通协调能力强,善于学习;
8. 富有责任心及团队合作精神。
2006-05-29 15:35:43   此文章已经被查看650次   
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