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等    级:高级居民
经 验 值:147
魅 力 值:50
龙    币:1577
积    分:556.9
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China Hawk Enterprises Ltd. is an American owned and operated company with its sales office in Beijing. As a major manufacturer and exporter of disposable products in China, it has a large manufacturing facility in Tianjin. With business developing, we need an experienced QA.(for more company information please check on our website:该网址不再展示

Quality Assurance Inspector

Key Qualifications:

1. Quality assurance work experience required. (必须有质检经验)
2. Textile engineering or non-woven industry experience preferred.
3. Fluent oral and written English
4. College degree
5. Computer skills. Familiar with Word, Excel and Powerpoint, etc.
6. Hardworking and detail-oriented.
7. Need to live and work in our Tianjin factory.
8. A male only.


1. Quality control and inspection on all production runs in factory.
2. Document and keep records of all quality inspections.
3. Develop a system of quality control and inspection procedure.
4. Report to ChinaHawk’s Beijing office directly.
5. Possibility to lead a QA team in the future.
Please send your resume both in Chinese and English to ;

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