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送给麻团的英文歌:My all----Mariah Carey

My all - Mariah Carey

i am thinking of you
in my sleepless solitude tonight
if it wrong to love you
then my heart just won let me right
cause i drowned in you
and i won pull thourgh
without you by my side
i give my all to have
just one more night with you
i risk my life to feel
your body next to mine
cause i can go on
liveing in the momory of our song
i give my all for you love tonight
bany can you feel me
imagining i looking in your eyes
i can see you cleray
vividly emblazoned in my mind
and yet you so far
like a dinstant star
i wishing on tonight
i give my all to have
just one more night with you
i risk my like to feel
your body next to mine
cause i can go on
living in the memory of our song
i give my all for your love tonight
i give my all to have
just one more night with you
i risk my life to feel
your body next to mine
cause i can go on
living in the memory of our song
i give my all for your love tonight
give my all for you love

2003-05-24 22:21:05   此文章已经被查看323次   
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