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《White Bird》一首几十年前的经典老歌了,现在的年轻人估计喜欢听的少了,当年...
Editorial Reviews-Amazon.com
Yes, the original version of that FM oldie "White Bird" is included on this CD-It's a Beautiful Day. Formed in 1967 by former symphony violinist David LaFlamme, this popular group plowed through all of the San Francisco Sound's clichés at once: organ, fiddle and drum solos; epigrammatic sayings about love, time, and dreams that are so cheesy they would make a Hallmark hack blush; the soft-part-that-heads-steadily-toward-the-crescendo part; incongruously pieced-together prog-rock songs that plod on for way too long; off-kilter male and female singing; and a near-total lack of soul. This 1969 recording, then, is a clear blueprint of what not to do in psychedelic rock--with the exception of "White Bird," which retains a sheen of innocence and melodic oomph despite its daft, repeated utterance that "she must fly!" This reissue has a bright, clear sound and excellent separation; it will more than please fans of the original LP. However, those looking for an equal to the best works of Moby Grape, Quicksilver, and the Dead are encouraged to seek elsewhere. --Mike McGonigal

Product De&#115cription
The Classic Band of the Sixites Embraced by San Francisco and the Love Generation, the Legendary First Album featuring White Bird. One of the Original Ten San Francisco Groups Produced by Matthew Katz who Produced Jefferson Airplane.

Spotlight Reviews
A Long Forgotten Jewel, October 15, 2001
Reviewer: Victor Leclerc (Lewiston, Maine USA) - See all my reviews
The first time I heard this, It's a Beautiful Day's first album, it became a part of me. The year was 1969, I had just entered middle school and was discovering all the great music I'd missed: MC5, Mothers of Invention, Velvet Underground, Pentangle, on and on. Having been raised with classical, blues, jazz and show tunes, I sometimes found the simplicity of so-called rock `n' roll artists and groups to be annoying and shallow. SO, when I first heard the flowing listenability of "White Bird" I knew that I was hearing a work that would be with me forever.
"White Bird" actually got air play from one of the local progressive stations but the rest of this set became all mine, a private emotional journey that remains as much a part of my life as my family and every cherished personal experience. In "White Bird," everything soars, David LaFlamme's double tracked violin, the dual vocals, the now-vintage Hammond B3; all convey an atmosphere of freedom that the words deny. "Hot Summer Day" is the musical version of a stroll in the woods on a sultry, lazy day, memories of summers past and the reminiscence of such a day that one feels in the dead of Winter. "Wasted Union Blues" comes the closest to portraying through music what one feels when altered states are waning and sleep refuses to offer relief. "Girl With No Eyes" is a delicate yet intense statement of feminine isolation and yearning. The trio of "Bombay Calling," "Bulgaria" and `Time Is," disparate themes and textures combined into one slippery tour-de-force, take a listener through Asian majesty, Eastern European mystery and finally into a dizzying 9 minutes of existentialism in which time really may be believed by lovers to be "an eternity."

The sentiments and, indeed, sound of It's a Beautiful Day are extremely late `60's San Francisco; the performances are loose compared to today's standards, the lyrics are very "love"-oriented and the most technicality one can expect from the recording is, as previously stated, a few primitive overdubs. Still, every song carries the full potential of emotion possible, the vocal and instrumental blends are, though dated, still timelessly gorgeous in interplay and complement. I have worn out 3 vinyl copies, 4 cassettes and am on my second CD and, after 32 years and countless exposure to evolving musical forms later, I still find the melodies and musicianship of this long forgotten classic captivating me, holding my attention from first note to last. If only this set of impeccably crafted songs and musical pieces did not defy categorization, it would probably be better known next to its contemporaries like Hendrix's Axis Bold As Love, Joplin/Big Brother's Cheap Thrills, the Grateful Dead's very first live album, and the Beatles' Sgt. Pepper. As history has written the fate of It's a Beautiful Day, those who survive beyond their era or die in their prime get the glory leaving this jewel buried in the sands of time. Anyone willing to unearth it is in for considerable wonder indeed.


2007-01-29 09:55:41   此文章已经被查看1165次   
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