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第四部 (原文)

When returned home, all the passengers become media icons. However, Jin is now with a Sun who does not know about what happened on the island, and must reconcile with her, without those experiences he had on the island. Kate is immediately brought into custody, but her charges are lessened due to the circumstances, and she has saved Boone's life in this plane crash. Claire gives birth to her baby at the end (possibly her "island" baby has died?). Months go by and those who were part of the series' events are not contacted by Dharma. They meet together and want to just let it go. Some want to try to find the Dharma Initiative. However, Dharma warned them that if they tried to find them, they would be killed.

Sawyer is killed in a "random" shooting. Jack is convinced it is Dharma behind it. Kate disobeys are parole officer and goes with Jack to confront Sun's father. There they meet Christian Shephard, supposedly from some kind of future or something. Christian explains that the Dharma Initiative has failed and was completely destroyed. Christian refuses to kill Jack and Kate and lets them go. Kate cannot return to the public because she is a fugitive. Jack has killed Sun's father as well. They retreat to an island in the Pacific and Lost ends with them sitting on a beach there.

So that's Lost for you. Just for discussion's sake, I did make up ONE fact. Try to guess what it is. And trust me, this is all from what I explained above. I have changed nothing about the facts. I left out some unimportant ones that had to do with like, production and ordering and planning stuff. But yeah, that's the most I squeezed out of the plot. And if you don't believe this, come back to this exact topic next February, and see if I'm right. I really don't care if people believe it or not, I was just so psyched when I heard this, I wanted to hear what other people thought."

第四部 (译)


Sawyer死于一次“偶然的”枪击事件(果然要死完所有人!)jack确信达摩组织策划了这一事件。Kate反击了释放看守官并且跟随jack去见sun的父亲。在那里他们遇见了Christian Shephard。Christian Shephard解释了达摩计划已经失败并且完全地被摧毁了。Christian Shephard并没有杀死kate和jack而是让他们走了。Kate已经无法回到公众社会了,因为她现在是一个逃亡者。Jack最后杀了sun的父亲。他们逃到了太平洋的一个小岛上而lost结束于他们两人并肩坐在海滩上。——(看到如此结局本人吐血三升,虽然我是jk派但依然觉得怎么看怎么不舒服!)


2007-07-19 14:11:16   此文章已经被查看119次   
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