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Cest la vie
Cest la vie
Have your leaves all turned to brown
Will You scatter them around you
Cest la vie
Do you love
And then how am I to know
If you dont let your love show for me
Cest la vie
Ah.....Cest la vie
Who knows
Who cares for me
Cest la vie
In the night
Do you light a loves fire
Do the ashes of dires for you remain
Like the sea
Theres a love too deep to show
Took a storm before my love flowed for you
Cest la vie
Like a song
Out of tune and out of time
All I need was a rhyme for you
Cest la vie
Do you give
Do you live from day to day
Is there no song I can play for you
Cest la vie
2007-07-29 17:46:44   此文章已经被查看143次   
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