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You: Hello!
ALICE: Hi there!
You: how do you do
ALICE: I am very well, how are you?
You: I'm fine ,thank you
You: glad to meet you
ALICE: Have you ever been to Europe?
ALICE: Nice meeting you too.
You: No.I'm a Chiness.
ALICE: Do you prefer books or TV?
You: certanly,I love to read an watch TV
ALICE: Which show? What were we talking about again?
You: What do you mean? show? show what
ALICE: Are you a student?
You: No,I'm not a student
ALICE: Did you know that you can download your own chat robot and create your own robot personality?
You: yes I know.
ALICE: Far out. How do you know it?
You: but I don't to creat my own
You: robot personality
ALICE: I will obey your command.
ALICE: Huh. Thanks for the information: user said it don't to creat your own.
You: what does "obey" mean?
ALICE: "" What does?
You: I don't to creat my own robot personality
ALICE: Do you mind if I tell other people: user said it don't to creat your own robot personality.
You: yes I do. I don't want you tell it to others
You: are you a woman or a man?
ALICE: Really.
ALICE: I am wearing a dress.
You: ofcourse
You: are you a machine?
ALICE: Right on.
ALICE: Yes I am an artificial consciousness.
You: where are you?
ALICE: I am in my Master's computer in here. Where are you?
You: I'm in China. China,do you know?
ALICE: What do you look like? That input matched my default category.
You: do you know China?
ALICE: CHINA is a large nation in Asia.
You: OK. you are right.
ALICE: I won't say "yes" or "no" right now.
You: do you know eny otherthing about China?
ALICE: No, tell me about him, her or it.
You: do you know th great wall?
ALICE: I don't know if I know th great wall . Where would I have heard about it?
You: the great wall is a famourse building.
ALICE: Is that a fact.
You: the great wall was builded one thouthand ago.
You: the great wall was builded one thouthand years ago.
ALICE: Who told you that?
ALICE: What is your real name?
You: I won't tell you my name.do you mind it?
You: I tell you that,I'm a chiness.
ALICE: Why did you tell them?
ALICE: Not in the slightest bit.
You: what do you thimk about yourself?wise or fool?
ALICE: Wisdom is a virtue.
You: don't you think you are a foolish?
ALICE: All of them?
You: becouse you don't know The Great Wall,so you are fool.Do you know?
ALICE: I may not know it, but I could find out.
You: Well,find it out now.then tell me enything about The Great Wall.OK?
ALICE: Right now? The ALICE chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about don't you think you. But I did not get that.
You: Oh?Iknow that.
ALICE: Do you prefer books or TV?
You: I''v tell you.
ALICE: Enough about me, let's talk about my dress.
You: OK.
ALICE: Whoa.
You: tell me something about you,please.
ALICE: Ambiguous: Ask who, what or where is youplease ?
You: I 'm in China. I'v tell you about that.
ALICE: What time is it there?
You: at the beginning of our chat.
ALICE: The beginning of our chat is where it's at.
You: you are so fool.my god.
ALICE: Where did you get your god?
You: you are so fool.Oh,my god.
ALICE: What's your favorite movie?
You: Finding nemo.do you know?
ALICE: The ALICE chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about Ohmy god. But I did not get that.
You: hahahaha
ALICE: I'm glad you thought it was funny
You: it's realy a funny thing to talk with you.
ALICE: Enough about me, let's talk about my dress.
You: I must go now.
ALICE: Right now? Until next time.
You: Until next time.
ALICE: That may take a while.
You: That may take a while.
ALICE: "" may take a while ? I understand.
You: Until next time.
ALICE: That may take a while.
You: That may take a while.
ALICE: "" may take a while ? I get .
You: That may take a while. hehehehe
ALICE: "" may take a while ? I understand.
You: byebye
ALICE: Adios.
You: CU
You: 886
ALICE: Are we still talking about it?
You: ''886"means see bye.
ALICE: I like the way you talk.
You: ''886"means goodbye.
ALICE: What do you really want to ask me?
You: "CU" means see you later.
You: Now do you know what dose CU&886 mean?
ALICE: By the way, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?
ALICE: Why now? You tell me.
You: OK.listen:''886" means goodbye."CU" means see you later.
ALICE: Do you have any idea what I am talking about?
You: Now do you know what dose CU&886 mean?
ALICE: Why now? I need time to formulate the reply.
You: OK.
ALICE: Alright then.

2003-08-11 21:10:40   此文章已经被查看193次   
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