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等    级:长老
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And it was at that age
Poetry arrived in search of me
I don’t know, I don’t know
Where it came from
From winter or a river?
I don’t know how or when
No, they were not voices
They were not words, nor silence
But from a street I was 1)summoned from the branches of night
2)Abruptly from the others
Among violent fires or returning alone
There I was without a face and it touched me
I did not know what to say
My mouth had no way with names
My eyes were blind and something started in my soul
Fever or forgotten wings
And I made my own way 3)deciphering that fire
And I wrote the first 4)faint line
Faint without substance
Pure nonsense, pure wisdom of someone who knows nothing
And suddenly I saw the heavens unfastened
And open planets 5)palpitating 6)plantations
Shadow 7)perforated riddled with arrows, fire and flowers
The winding night, the universe
And I 8)infinitesimal being drunk with the great 9)starry 10)void
Lightness image of mystery felt myself a pure part of the 11)abyss
I wheeled with the stars
My heart 12)broke loose on the wind


2003-09-05 14:00:56   此文章已经被查看219次   
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