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This message relates to a potential job candidate of your company. The candidate’s name is Dong Fang, a 23-year-old female who has been involved in an extramarital affair that has led to the suicide of the wife. Shamelessly, Dong Fang and the dead wife’s husband, named Wang Fei, kept their cohabitant relationship before and after the death of the wife.
  The wife’s death note was recorded on her blog and has been posted on one of the largest bbs in China (www.tianya.cn) by several justified people. The blog content, the passed woman’s family’s account, and Wang Fei’s family’s descriptions have all insinuated that the wife’s passing is related to Wang Fei, Dong Fang, and Wang Fei’s family’s insistent harassments.
  Dong Fang and Wang Fei were originally employees of Saatchi & Saatchi. The company fired both of them on 1/11/2008. A source posted a message at tianya.cn, indicating that Dong Fang (the female) may have been looking for a job in your company through her ex-boyfriend’s network. I’m leaving this message just to forewarn you the kind of person you might be dealing with.
  You may have received a number of similar messages from various people; I apologize for that. However, I feel like doing this because of the drive of my conscience. A woman who does not know how to respect another person’s marriage and family, and who can continue laughing and sleeping with a husband whose wife committed suicide a night before not only lacks basic ethical standards, but is also scarily cold-blooded. Having such an employee and colleague would be a wrong decision.
  Thank you for reading this long message. Good luck in Year 2008!
(此文由林小雨在2008-01-13 20:17:09编辑过)
2008-01-13 20:14:05   此文章已经被查看805次   
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