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假新闻! (中国好多记者简直是鸡者)
瞎编, 这个中国新闻网经常瞎编美国新闻。 这个议案还只是个议案, 根本还没通过。 而且通过的可能性也不大。 今天的美国 usatoday 报纸择要:
“Three legislators want to make it illegal for restaurants to serve obese customers in Mississippi.
House Bill No. 282, which was introduced this month, ”
introduced 不是passed.
"The bill, written by GOP Rep. W. T. Mayhall Jr., was referred to the Judiciary and Public Health committees, but The Jackson Free Press doesn't expect it to garner much support in the statehouse."
这个法案刚交到州议会法律和公共卫生委员会讨论。 州府的报纸说, 这个议案预期不会得到什么支持。

to be or not to be, that is not a question...
2008-02-03 08:43:37   此文章已经被查看95次   
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