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if you need a miracle
Everybody has these troubles too.
And little memo why feeling do
If you need a miracle then what you got to do
is have a little faith to pull you through
time and time and time again I pray
that you come back and save what you have said
and if you need a miracle then what you got to do
is have a little faith to pull you through
No I can't have this further feeling
it's as plain as black and white
put of prisoners about freedom
and the chain are way too tight
and if you need a miracle then what you got to do
is to have a little faith to pull you through
and if you need a miracle
then have a little faith to pull you through
No I can have this further feeling
it's as plain as black and white
put of the prisoners about freedom
and the chain are way too tight
If you need a miracle then what you got to do
is to have a little faith to pull you through
If you need a miracle then what you got to do
Have a little faith to pull you through
2008-03-17 17:19:55   此文章已经被查看279次   
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